Screening is an indispensable link in the sand aggregate production line. As an important screening equipment, the work efficiency of vibrating screen directly affects the economic benefits of sand production line. In this text, we will introduce the installation, maintenance and repair for vibrating screen.

Installation of vibrating screen
1. Install and adjust vibrating screen on foundation base or suspension by adjusted angle according to operation regulations. First make horizontal adjustment to eliminate the deviation of screen box, and then adjust longitudinal pitch of screen box.
2. Screen mesh should be evenly tighten to eliminate any local vibration caused by screen droop, once local vibration occur, it will increase the pressure to screen, increase the risk of damaging due to bending.
3. The firmness of the v belt can be adjusted by slide block. V belt should be adjusted with an initial tension, which should be neither too big nor too small.
4. To reduce the impact to the screen surface, it requires material gap between aggregate on receiving side is not more than 500 mm, the feeding direction should be in the same direction as material movement on screen.
Before starting the vibrating screen, operators should check whether each screen connecting parts loose or not, each electrical components work or not, vibrator shaft is flexible or not, bearing lubrication condition is good or not.

Maintenance and repair of vibrating screen
(1) Should often check the fastening situation of each connecting bolt, should tighten in time if found loose.
(2) Screen mesh of vibrating screen contacts with the material directly and easy to wear, so should often check whether the screen is tensioned and damaged. Should be replaced in time if damaged.
(3) If vibrator use grease lubrication, should be filled with lubrication oil once a month. Oil amount shall not be more than two-thirds of the whole bearing space, otherwise which will cause bearing temperature is too high.
(4) Should check oil condition after the vibrator use for six months. Should immediately clean and replace new grease if lubrication become dry or have a lump. The bearings should be cleaned once a year, and should be replaced in time if damaged.

(5) Should be welded in time if the side plates of screen box and beams have cracks, the welding should be done strictly in accordance with the welding process.
(6) In order to improve the service life of the screens, the screen mesh wire can be coated one wear-resisting rubber or use special rubber surface. In recent years, new materials are also used as screen mesh, such as nylon mesh that can be used 3-6 months.
(7) Generally the bearings should be replaced every 8 – 12 months, the drive belt should be replaced every 2 – 3 months. The service life of spring is not less than 3 – 6 months, and the service life of screen box is more than two years.